Use this routine to create new GL cost centers and edit existing cost centers. Most GL cost centers are associated with a store or warehouse location, and STORIS creates a corresponding GL cost center whenever you create a new location. However, you can create GL cost centers not associated with a particular location by giving the cost centers a code that does not correspond with any location code in your system.
If creating a new cost center and you click on Save, the option appears to add the cost center to existing GL accounts. If editing an existing cost center, the same option is available via the Actions button. The option to build GL accounts is available only if you are using STORIS Accounting or the Generic Interface.
If you are creating a warehouse location and corresponding cost center, be sure to create the location first. If you create a cost center first, you cannot create a warehouse with the same code.
The system prevents you from deleting any GL cost center for which non-transmitted batches referencing that GL cost center exist. In addition, the system prevents you from deleting GL cost centers with a corresponding location, and de-activates the Company field in GL cost centers with a corresponding location.
If using TPA , new GL cost centers are not available for use until GL accounts are imported from the TPA.