Purge of Sensitive Data


Use this routine to purge encrypted data, for the primary customer and co-applicant, from the Secured Data file in STORIS. This routine can be run on demand from the menu or via Schedule a Process (select Purge of Sensitive Data at Process prompt). Data record types that can be purged using this process are:

To run this purge, you must have security access via the "Purge secured/encrypted data" field in your Create a User/Group Actions - System Security settings.
To utilize this Credit Card purge, Retain Settled Card Number for NN Days must contain a number greater than or equal to zero in Payment Card and Device Settings.

After you select the time period to retain for each type and place a check next to each type you want purged, click the Run button to perform the purge. The program prompts you to verify that you want to run the purge. Purging takes places based on the retention days you indicated.