Use this program to print new customer statements or re-print old statements that have been moved to the History file.
For new statements, the program uses the customer information created in the Cycle Process during End-of-Day processing. You can print All, Regular, or Hold statements.
Following the printing of regular statements, the statements move to the History File. If you do not print regular statements, they move to the History File during the next customer cycle process. That is, before the cycle process creates statements, any existing statements not yet printed move to the History File. The Statement History Retention field in the Account Statement Cycling Control Settings (A/R Statement Cycle ACF) determines how long statements remain in the history file. The End-of-Month process purges the Statement History File. Use the Reprint Statements option to reprint statements from the Statement History File.
After you specify your print preferences, click Run to send the report to your output device.
If you have selected "Forms" at the Statement Form field in the A/R Statement Cycling Control Settings, the system asks you to load and test-print a form each time you print. If you choose "Laser", the system sends the report directly to the laser printer.
If you use "Forms" as your print method for customer statements, you can modify your print form to include "RE-PRINT" on all customer statements that you have already printed.
Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.
To generate statements in XML format, select NFS as your output option. The Output Settings option is available from the Actions button only if the Create XML for Open Item Statements and Export To field is enabled on the Advanced tab of the Account Statement Cycling Control Settings.