View Historical Financing Activity
[Closed Item Inquiry (FR)]
Use this inquiry to display information about resolved
transactions within one or more closed batches. You can inquire by either
Payment Type or by Finance Provider and Batch Date, and you can use the
Filter field to further
limit the grid display.
Filter SelectionYou may select a filter option from the drop-down list at this field or
leave the field set to 0 (No Filter). Select Customer
Code Filter to limit the display to a specific customer code. Select
Name Filter to limit the display
to a specific customer name. Select Reference
Filter to limit the display to a specific transaction reference
number. Select House Account# Filter
to limit the display to a specific finance house account number.
FilterIf a Filter
Selection was chosen, this field must be used to indicate the specific
Customer Code, Name, Reference number, or House Account number to use
as a filter.
Payment TypeTo inquire
by a specific Payment Type code, enter a valid Financing
Payment Plan Settings (3rd Party Payment Type). You may click the
Search button at this field to
select from a list of valid payment types. Following selection of the
Payment Type, press the Enter or Tab key.
The Batch
Selection window displays.
Finance ProviderTo inquire
by a specific 3rd party financing provider, enter the Financing
Provider Settings (Finance Provider) code. You may click the Search button at this field to select
from a list of valid Finance Providers. If a finance provider is selected,
entry of the Batch Date is mandatory.
Batch DateIf a finance
provider was selected, entry of the Batch Date is mandatory. Click the
calendar icon at this field to select a date and then press the Enter
or Tab key. The Batch
Selection window displays.

The Customer column displays either the customer name or the customer
code, depending the Display Customer Name field in the Financing
Control Settings. Also note that if set to display customer codes,
the system displays on-account transactions as ON ACCNT.