Use this routine to view financing comments added as a result of application processing. Manually entered comments can also be added using this screen.
Enter the code of the customer whose financing activity you want to access. If you click on the Search button, you access the Search for a Customer window, which you can use to select a customer.
This field defaults to Custom Dates and you cannot edit it. Use the Starting Date and Ending Date fields to restrict the output of the routine to a range of dates.
Enter the starting date (if any) of the date range to which you want to restrict this view. If you leave the field blank, you select the earliest available date.
Enter the ending date (if any) of the date range to which you want to restrict this view. If you leave the field blank, you select the latest available date.
The output destination of the displayed data appears. To select a different output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings from the menu that appears. Your options are to send the output to the screen or to the printer.
Print Comments - Send the report to the output destination specified at the Send Output To field.
Merged-from Financing Activity Log - If you indicate the code of a merged-to customer (another customer record was merged into this one), you can click this option to view the Financing Activity Log for the merged-from customer (duplicate customer that was merged into the customer you indicated).