Use this routine to import Product Configuration data into STORIS. STORIS provides Excel® worksheets in which you enter your configuration data. Then use this routine to import the data into STORIS, file by file. The workbook that contains the worksheets lists them in a specific order. Import the worksheets in the order provided. Otherwise, errors can occur. If you do not enter data into a worksheet, you do not have to import it.
You can use this routine when you initially convert data into STORIS or at any other time you want to update your Product Configurator data. To convert data into STORIS other than Product Configurator data, use the Import Data routine for initial conversion and the Import Product Information (Product Conversion) routine to update the product file.
Consult with
your STORIS representative before running this routine. Running this routine
improperly can have catastrophic results to data files.
Important!! If you are already LIVE on
the STORIS system, check with STORIS before running any data conversions
in your LIVE account.
STORIS provides a Configurator Conversion Spreadsheet you must use when converting data. Each spreadsheet has individual worksheets for each conversion file (for example, the Fabric Group worksheet). Enter the data into the worksheet, then when complete, save the file as a tab -delimited .txt file. You can then use this routine to import the data into STORIS.
When you use the Configurator Conversion Spreadsheet document, be sure
you have the latest version. To download a copy of the latest configurator
conversion spreadsheet document, which is provided in Microsoft® Excel format, click
here to access the STORIS secure web site. The screen prompts you
to enter the User ID and Password you established when you
registered for access to the Customer Service web site. After logging
in, go to the Documentation, Vision, Spreadsheet Downloads page and click
on the button for the version of the spreadsheet you need. Use the File
Download window to Save the file
to your PC.
If you use multi-lingual processing, you can import text columns into the proper language when importing product configurator data. Several tabs of the Configurator Conversion Spreadsheet provided by STORIS include a Language Code prompt in the header row of the spreadsheet. If you use a language other than English, enter the code following the colon in the Language Code: prompt in that cell of the spreadsheet. If left blank, the system uses a language code of 1 for English. When you enter a language code into this cell, the system uses that code to determine what language the text should be using when importing that data. The comment for the Language Code cell in the spreadsheet also includes a list of the text columns that support multi-lingual processing.
Clear/Load All Configurator Files for Vendor
After you specify a conversion file and a data file, or indicate a vendor,
click on the Actions button to
choose an option.
The system generates an Error Report each time you run the conversion process. As the system processes each record in the data file, it marks them as one of the following:
converted - the record was successfully added to the STORIS database.
error - the record was not converted to the STORIS database, a brief explanation appears.
warning - the record was converted to the STORIS database, but with conditions. A brief explanation appears. Check the record in STORIS for integrity.
The Configurator conversion process rejects Product records if they are
only partially converted. That is, a Product record will never generate
a "warning" message, only "converted" or rejected".