Trade/Designer Discount Settings
Use this routine with the trade/designer sales feature to indicate what percentage of the maximum discount allowed for the product you can apply to a trade sale, based on the ratio of Current Retail Price (CRP ) to Suggested Retail Price (SRP). You build a table/grid consisting of a range of ratios and a corresponding trade discount percentage available for each ratio. Newly added items are displayed in the grid in ascending order of CRP/SRP Minimum Ratio. The ending range for a grid row is inferred as being less than the subsequent grid row, or in the case of the last grid row the range ends at 100.00%.
CRP/SRP Minimum RatioIndicate the minimum ratio of current retail price to suggested retail price for which the corresponding trade discount percentage is available. Your entry in this field must be between 0.00 and 100.00. For example, if you enter 90.00 in this field, the corresponding percent you enter in the next field is used to calculate the available trade discount for items whose CRP/SRP ratio is equal to or greater than 90%.
Percent of Trade Discount AvailableEnter the percentage to use in the calculation of the trade discount for the corresponding CRP/SRP ratio. Your entry in this field must be between 0.00 and 100.00. This percent indicates the portion of the maximum discount allowed (established for product or vendor) that can be applied to a sale, based on the CRP/SRP ratio.