Product Benefit Settings

(Product Benefits)


Use this routine to enter product benefits text for selected products.  You can print product benefits on standard floor tags.

The way that the product benefits is entered controls how the product benefits print on associated tags/labels.

A user can type with no carriage return and that becomes sequence 1

As soon as a carriage return is entered, the next data entered is in sequence 2.

This matches the sequence references in the Product import.

It also matches how the tags/labels can be designed.

Use product benefits text to provide pertinent product information, for example

 If you access this routine in read-only format, you can view product benefits but you cannot edit them.
Users can also access product benefit text via the Actions button in the Product (Quick) and Advanced Product (Full) routines.

A counter next to the Product field indicates a product list is currently active. The counter indicates which record in the list is currently being edited and the total number of records in the list.  


Benefits Text

When you enter benefits text, keep in mind how the lines are being entered. Whether you enter a continuous line or multiple lines affects how the text is printed on associated tags and labels, and how the lines are referenced when running the Product Benefits import. Everything you enter in the text box up to the point you first press the Return key is considered "sequence 1". Once you press the Return key, the next line of text entered until you press the Return key again is "sequence 2", and so on. You can then reference each line by number on the import and when designing your labels forms.