Home > Settings > GL Account Settings
Tabs: General, Sub-Accounts, Cost Centers
STORIS creates a separate general ledger account record for every possible combination of root account, sub-account, and cost center. STORIS also creates a separate record for individual root accounts as well as root accounts combined with a sub-account (also known as the parent account ). The root account record contains a multi-valued list of all sub-accounts and the parent account contains a multi-valued list of all cost centers.
This process is available only if STORIS Accounting is active. It contains three tabs. Use the
General tab to specify general information, the
Sub-Account tab to maintain the list of sub-accounts linked to the root account (this tab is active only if you use sub-accounts), and the
Cost Center tab to maintain the list of cost centers linked to the specified parent account.
For accounts with postings, STORIS suggests you avoid deleting these accounts and use the Inactivate option instead.
To delete one or more accounts, you can use the Delete button at the bottom of each tab. This button deletes the accounts specified in the header area of the screen, and all accounts linked to the specified accounts. For example, after you enter an account at the Account field, the Delete button is still inactive. However, if you specify one or more sub-accounts or costs centers, the Delete button activates. If you click on Delete at this time, the program deletes all specified accounts and all the accounts linked to those accounts. Note that the Delete button deletes the accounts specified in the header area regardless of which tab you are viewing at the time.
You can also delete accounts using the Remove button on individual tabs using normal grid-editing procedures. However, the Remove button is active only during the initial entry session of the account. Once you click Save on a tab, the Remove button is no longer active except for any new accounts added since the last time you clicked Save.
The system makes the following checks before allowing you to delete an account. You cannot delete any account that appears in a
GL posting.
To delete individual account elements, use the appropriate settings routine. To delete
- root accounts, use this routine.
- sub-accounts, use the GL Sub-Account Settings.
- cost centers, use the General Ledger Cost Center Settings.
Each of these routines has it's own restrictions for deleting account elements.
The header area on each tab contains the following three control fields:
Cost Center
Your responses at these fields determine which tabs you can access. First, specify the root account. This activates the drop-down menu for the next element (that is, sub-account if using sub-accounts, otherwise cost center). To add to either element, you must choose the All Sub-Accounts option or the All Cost Centers option, respectively, then access the appropriate tab. To edit an individual account, enter the root account, then select the specific sub-account or cost center from the drop-down menu.
For example, to link a cost center to a sub-account, you must first specify the root account with which the sub-account is associated. To link a new sub-account to a root account, you must first specify the root account, then select All Sub-Accounts at the Sub Account field. Likewise, to edit or add a new cost center, you must specify the associated sub-account. Only then can you access the Cost Center tab.
The General tab is active for any level so that you can access the Inactive field.
Only one of the following fields is active when specifying an existing root account.
Use this tab to specify general information about GL accounts. On this tab, you define information at the parent account level. Note that to edit the fields on the General tab, you must select All Sub-Accounts at the Sub-Account field in the Header Area.
When maintaining an existing sub-account, all fields except Description and Inactive are inactive. When maintaining an existing cost center, all fields except Inactive are inactivated.
Use this tab to maintain the list of sub-accounts linked to a selected root account. Linked sub-accounts display in the grid. To add a new sub-account, select All Sub-Accounts at the Sub-Account field on the General tab. The Sub-Account tab is active only if you use sub-accounts.
Use this tab to maintain the list of cost centers linked to the parent account. Linked cost centers display in the grid. To add a new cost center, select All Cost Centers at the Cost Center field on the General tab. This tab is active only if you don't use sub-accounts and you are editing an existing root account, or if using sub-accounts, you access an existing sub-account.