Fabric Group Configuration
Use the Fabric Group Configuration file to create groups of available fabrics for vendors you use with the Product Configurator. You can group together fabrics with similar characteristics, shared product lines, etc. Many vendors separate their fabrics into selling groups. If you enter a large number of fabrics into your system, you can organize them into fabric groups. Organizing your fabrics into fabric groups can be particularly helpful to sales clerks at the point of sale.
Individual fabrics can belong to multiple fabric groups.
VendorEnter the code of the vendor with which you want to associate this fabric group. To select from a list of valid vendor codes, click the Search button to the right of the entry field. The vendor's full name appears to the right of the field.
Fabric GroupEnter an alphanumeric code to identify this fabric group. You can click the Search button to the right of the entry field to access a list of previously created Fabric Groups for this vendor.
DescriptionEnter the description for this fabric group. The description you enter should identify the source (if any) of this fabric group, for example the vendor's name for this fabric group.