Report AWM Activity
This report provides a summary, by warehouse location,
of the total pieces scanned for each function during a specified date
range. Once the report criteria have been selected, click Run
to produce the report.
The run-time options
for this report are:
Warehouse LocationThe report
can be run for a single warehouse location, for multiple warehouses, or
for all warehouse locations. Select a single location from the drop-down
list, leave the field blank for All locations, or click the Action
button to the right of the entry field and select multiple locations in
the Multiple Location Selection
RF UserThe report can be run for
a single RF user, for multiple users, or for all RF users. Enter a single
RF user code or click the Search
button to select from a list of valid RF user codes. You may leave the
field blank for All RF users, or click the Action
button to the right of the entry field and select multiple users in the
Staff Selection
window. The users entered here must exist in the Create
a User (Staff) file and must be set up as RF users.
RF FunctionThe report
can be run for a single RF function, for multiple functions, or for all
RF functions. Enter a single AWM
Function Settings (AWM Function Maintenance) code or click the Search button to select from a list
of valid function codes. You may leave the field blank for All functions,
or click the Action button to
the right of the entry field and select multiple functions in the Multiple Function Selection window.
Break OnThe report
can be run in various time-incremental groups. The "break on"
options available are: Day, 12 Hours, 8
Hours, 4 Hours. For example,
if Day is selected, the report
will group warehouse activity in full 24-hour increments.
Start Date, End DateThe report
can be run for one day's activity or for a range of dates. Select the
start and end dates for this report.
Include Detail by UserCheck
the box at this field to display details by user (based on the above Break
On grouping). If the box is not checked, the report will display activity
totals by warehouse.
Report in VolumeThe report
can display the quantities in either units (pieces) or in volume. To display
the quantities in volume, check the box at this field. The system calculates
the volume by using the settings in either the Product
record (primary), or if the Volume field is blank, the system checks settings
for capacity in the product Group
Send Output
toThe output destination of
the report displays. To change the output destination, click on
the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.