This report is available on demand and can be generated during end of day processing if Installment Receivables is active. It is a snapshot of the accounts receivable delinquency at the time the report is run. This report produces totals by store and district as well as grand totals.
For each Store location, the following information is reported:
Store Location Description
Total A/R Balance - Open item balance plus long term installment balance.
A/R Excluding No Payment Contracts - Total A/R balance minus the long term installment balance for any no payment contracts (those with no payment months) that have not yet cycled.
A/R After Cash Date - The long term balance for contracts without a cash date or those that are after their cash date.
Delinquent Dollars - Any past due balance, the whole balance is considered delinquent and added into this total.
61 and Over Dollars (sum of the 1-30, 61-90, and 90+ past due totals)
There is no date selection
available, and details by customer are not provided.