Click the Actions button at the bottom of the Product Selection screen to access the Display PO Create Summary and Build a Report File options.
The Display PO Create Summary option is used to review a list of products that are to be ordered before creating the purchase orders.
Once the option is selected, the Display PO screen will list product ordering information in a grid.
The PO column in the grid indicates how many purchase orders will be created and how the products will be grouped on the purchase orders.
Also shown in the list are the Vendor code, Receiving Warehouse, Scheduled Date, Product/Model, Quantity Ordered, Cost, and Extended amount for each product.
To make changes to the PO information, double-click a line item from the grid. The Create PO screen will display.
The Build a Report File option is used to save the Full Buyer's Worksheet data to a file that can be used with the Report Builder.
Once this option has been selected, the system will ask if the user's previously saved data should be cleared before creating a new report file: "Should AAA's previous data be cleared before generating new data?" Answer Yes to clear the previous data for this user and create a new report file; answer No to generate the report data without clearing the previous file; answer Cancel to abort this process.
The data file that is generated is created with the log-in user's initials, thus making it possible for users to generate their own reports without overwriting another user's data.
Following creation of the report file, buying reports can then be created via the Create a Report process. Select the dictionary file named BMW.WORK.DATA. Click here for detail on the Maintain Report Dictionaries (Query Wizard Dictionary Maintenance) process. Click here for detail on the Create a Report (Query Wizard Builder) process.