Accounting > Installment > Print an Installment Contract
Use this routine to print a customer's installment contract document(s). One, multiple, or all contracts for a customer can be printed. You can choose to print contracts that are Pending, Active, or in History.
Indicate the code of the customer for whom you are printing an installment contract. If you click the Search button you access the Search for a Customer screen, which you can use to locate a customer code. Once you specify the customer code, the customer name displays.
Click the Arrow button and select the status of the contract(s) you are printing. Your selection here determines which contracts are available in the drop-down list at the Contract Number field. Select one of the following:
Use this field to select the contracts to be printed. You can select one, multiple, or all contracts (within the status selected above) for this customer. The default for this field is All. Click the Arrow button to select a specific contract number or click the Action button to access theMultiple Selection Lookup Window, where you can select multiple contracts.
The list you see when you click the Arrow button or the Action button is restricted to only pending, active, or historical contracts, depending on the status you selected at the Select File field above.
Click the Run button to print the installment contract document(s) selected.