Use this routine to import bank reconciliation data received from a bank into STORIS. This process is known as automatic reconciliation or automated bank download. The data must be in a CSV-type spreadsheet. First, copy the spreadsheet onto a local PC that has access to STORIS. Then, run this routine.
First, the process attempts to match transactions one-on-one with its corresponding record in the Bank Reconciliation file. To facilitate this function, the system uses the cross reference table linking the BAI codes and Transaction Type codes.
Next, the process attempts to match up deposits based on one-to-many and/or many-to-one relationships. Again, to facilitate this function, the system uses the cross reference table linking the BAI codes and Transaction Type codes.
Run Cleared Transaction Report
If all records have been reconciled, a message appears with the following options:
Abort - abort the process, for example if you selected the wrong bank. No records update.
Ignore - clear the BANK.REC.AUTO file so you can import the spreadsheet for a new month. All reconciled transactions remain flagged as reconciled.
If unmatched records exist, a message appears with the following options:
Abort - abort the process, for example if you selected the wrong bank. No records update.
Ignore - "un-reconcile" any transactions that have already reconciled and clear the BANK.REC.AUTO file so the process can import the spreadsheet for the same month you had been working on previously. In this way, you can start the reconciliation process over again from the beginning.
Run - begin the process.
Clear - remove all entered information and start over.
Exit - return to the menu without performing any updates.