Email Remittance Advice


Use this routine to email the remittance advice for an entire EFT batch or only specific payments within an EFT batch. This process is available only for completed EFT batches (i.e. EFT file has been created). To create a new EFT file with the option to email the remittance advice, use the Create Electronic Funds Transfer File process.

The STORIS Server Can Send Emails field on the Email Configuration tab of Notifications Control Settings must be enabled in order to send these emails. 

The Email Header Message for Remittance Advice, Email Sent By for Remittance Advice, and Email Subject for Remittance Advice settings in Payables Control Settings affect the output of this process.

The email generated in this process is sent to each email stored in the Other field in Vendor RemitTo Settings.

Details of Remittance Advice Email Output


Date, Time

EFT Batch Number