In Step 2 of the Enter Multiple Vendor Invoices process, the AP Approval Selection screen appears containing the items you selected in Step 1. For each item listed, the following information displays:
PO or Reference Number
Vendor Name
Available - the quantity available to bill, or the quantity not yet billed for the PO line. This can include items received for partial receipts.
Date - The anticipated delivery date from the PO line.
Type (receipt, return, pending, etc.)
To associate line items on the screen with line items on vendor invoices/vendor credits and prepare them for approval, click in the boxes on the left side of the grid. To select all items on the list, click on All. To remove check marks from all items on the list, click on None. When you have finished making selections, click on Save to move to Step 3.
The Model column in the grid displays either the vendor model number or
the product code, depending on the setting in the Display field in the
Control Settings.