The following options are available from the Actions menu on the Finance Application screen.
Select this option to review and edit an existing credit application. When this option is selected from the Finance Application screen, you can view or maintain the credit application via the specific credit application screen for your provider.
The Access Existing
Credit Apps field in the Create
a User (Staff File ) file and in the Create
a User Group (Staff Type) file controls whether or not a user is permitted
to edit an existing finance credit application. If this field is active
(checked), the user can access any existing Finance Receivables credit
application. If this field is not active (not checked), the user can only
create new credit applications and cannot access existing credit applications.
Customer information for the applicant, such as Net Income, Driver's License Number, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Employer, etc. is usually included on the Main tab of this screen. However, the specific fields found on this screen vary according to the requirements of the finance provider.
If Joint was selected at the Joint Applicant field on the Main tab, the Joint tab will be available. The fields on the Joint tab are used for the entry of customer information for the joint applicant. The specific fields found on this screen will vary according to the requirements of the finance provider.
When finished reviewing/editing the information for this credit application, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. The program will ask Do you want to resubmit this application? Click Yes to re-submit the application to the provider, or click No to skip re-submitting the application and return to the initial request screen.
Once this option is selected, the existing application for the customer will be re-transmitted to the provider.
The FR Application Submission Result window displays the provider, customer, account number, credit limit, reference, application status, and status message returned from the provider.
If no existing application exists for this customer, the Credit Application screen for the specified finance provider displays.