STORIS restricts certain edits to existing exchanges, but allows some of those edits if you split the exchange. In this way, you can use split exchanges to make "after the fact" corrections to existing exchanges.
For example,
in the event you are unable to accomplish a merchandise return and sale of the replacement merchandise at the same time, you can split the exchange document into separate sales order and customer return documents. To illustrate, assume you enter an exchange for the return of a scratched table and the delivery of a new replacement table. The new table is not available immediately. However, the client wants to return the scratched table immediately and will take delivery of the new item when it becomes available. In this situation, you can access the exchange document and create a split exchange that will automatically create a customer return for the return and a sales order for the replacement merchandise.
if you split an exchange, you can change a delivery line type to a pickup line item type, or vice versa.
A split exchange is permitted for partial completion on either side of the exchange, i.e. return portion and/or sales portion.
Because exchanges are required to
be saved before the Split Exchange action can be used, exchanges set to
Take With cannot be split because these exchanges are completed as soon
as the exchange is saved.
Split exchanges are not allowed if the
customer does not have a valid address. See Solicitation
of Customer Information.
If you know in advance that the merchandise pickup/return and the delivery/pickup
of new merchandise will not occur at the same time, we recommend you not
enter a merchandise exchange. Instead, enter a separate customer return
for the return and a sales order for the replacement merchandise.
In the Enter an Exchange program, access the previously created exchange by entering the Exchange Number.
Click the Actions button on either the Customer tab or Payment tab and select Split Exchange. The program prompts with one of the following:
Splitting this exchange into separate order and pickup. OK Cancel.
Slitting exchange into separate order and completing dropoff. OK Cancel.
If you answer OK, the following message displays:
NNNNNNN is the return number assigned; order NNNNNNN is unchanged.
(The system assigns a new transaction number to the customer return and uses the exchange number as the new sales order number.)
You can now complete the processing of the separate customer return (for return merchandise, via Enter a Return) and sales order (for the replacement item, via Enter a Sales Order) as normal.
The subtotal discount in the sale side of a split exchange is stored as a fixed amount, even if the original discount was a percentage. This means that raising or lowering the subtotal amount does not affect the discount amount.
The sale side of the exchange is not affected by changes in the return portion. For example, if the return side of the split exchange is deleted or has the subtotal changed, the sale side discount is not updated
The Fulfillment Method field determines the delivery type of the exchange. For example, if the Fulfillment Method field is set to Delivery, all lines on the Return Merchandise page and Sell Merchandise page are Delivery. However, if the return and sales portions of the exchange need to be different, use the Convert Pickup Lines and Convert Delivery Lines actions as needed.
If, for example, the exchange was created as a Pickup but the sales/return portion must be handled as a Delivery:
Access the exchange. In the Return Merchandise page, click the Actions button and select Convert Pickup Lines.
The entire exchange is converted from a Pickup to a Delivery.
On either the Customer page or the Payment page, click the Actions button and select Split Exchange.
Access the sales order portion and use Convert Delivery Lines to change the sales lines to Pickup.