System Administration > System Tools > Establish and Review Phantom A process that performs a maintenance function in STORIS, and can be set up to run automatically in the background on a regular basis. Processes > Administer Phantom Processes
Use this routine to start or stop a specific phantom A process that performs a maintenance function in STORIS, and can be set up to run automatically in the background on a regular basis.. You can also use this routine to control an existing phantom.
If you must shutdown your server, STOP ALL PHANTOM PROCESSES RUNNING ON
THE SYSTEM BEFORE SHUTTING DOWN. If you are unable to do so, contact your
system administrator or STORIS representative for assistance before shutting
down the server.
ProcessEnter the process ID for
the phantom you want to start or stop. If you click on the Search button,
you can choose from a list of valid phantom processes using the Read-Only
Lookup Window.
If you access this routine via the Show All STORIS Phantoms routine, the
phantom process you double-clicked in that grid appears in this field,
the field dims, and you cannot edit the contents.
This field is display only. Each phantom is assigned one of the following types by STORIS:
Administered - perform processing and sleep for the time specified in the Sleep Interval field before waking up and processing again.
Multi-threaded - performs update and immediately shuts down.
Scheduled - performs update at the pre-scheduled time or interval and immediately shuts down.
StatusThe status of the phantom
process specified in the Process field appears.
Update IntervalThe status
update interval (in seconds) appears.
Queue CountFor the
selected phantom, the number of transactions waiting to be processed appears.
Queue NameThe internal
name of the process affected by this phantom appears.
StatusThe status
of the file displayed at the Queue Name field appears.
Process IDEnter the process ID of a
phantom in the grid. If you double-click on a grid item, the process ID
of that item appears in this prompt.
Specify the action you want to perform on the selected phantom. You have the following options.
View Log - Click on the Add button. The Phantom Process Log window for the selected phantom appears. To exit the log, click on Clear or Exit.
Tune Parameters - Click on the Add button. The Phantom Tuning Window appears in which you can edit the Sleep Time and the Status Update Interval for the selected phantom.
Stop Phantom - To stop an existing phantom process, select the process then click on Add. When you stop a phantom process, its phantom record remains on file so users can still view any log comments that exist for the phantom.
Display PH File - Click on the Add button to display the Phantom PH file.
Each registered phantom displays the following information:
PID: The UNIX process ID, which is unique for each UNIX process running.
Operator: The employee ID of the user who initiated the phantom.
Date: The date the phantom was started.
Time: The time the phantom was started.
Sleep: The current sleep time of the phantom.
Update: The current status update interval for the phantom.
Status: Text of the last status update made by the phantom.
Date: Date of the last status update.
Time: Time of the last status update.
Count: Transaction count posted by the phantom at the last status update.
The following options are available via the Actions button at the bottom of the screen:
Start New Phantom - Starts a new phantom (with its own Process ID) for the selected process.
Suspend/Resume - A toggle switch to suspend or resume the selected phantom. The Status field under the Process field changes to indicate the current status.
Auto Start/Stop Mode - A toggle switch to start or stop Auto mode.
These actions are available for administered type phantoms only and a line in the grid must be selected to activate the actions.