Mobile Vision Device Settings
(Device Register)
STORIS Mobile Vision is an add-on module available for purchase. Use this feature to
enter shopping carts into Mobile Vision devices (that is, hand-held computer devices such as PDAs), and
transfer the shopping carts to STORIS.
Later, you can convert the shopping carts into sales orders.
Use this routine to register your Mobile Vision devices. You
enter basic information about the device here,
set the status to 5 for Not Registered, then
turn on the PDA.
When the device connects with STORIS, it provides additional information to this routine such as Manufacturer Unit ID, and sets the status to 0 (zero) for Available. Note that Mobile Vision devices use a WiFi connection to connect to STORIS.
Device IDPress <Enter> to apply the next available Device ID number to the device you are registering.
DescriptionEnter a description of this Mobile Vision device.
Device TypeEnter the device type you are registering. If you click on the arrow, you can choose from the list of device types that appears. For PDAs, select PPC.
Manufacturer Unit IDThe system reads this number in during initialization of the Mobile Vision device. You cannot edit this field.
Purchase DateEnter the date the device was purchased. This can help differentiate PDAs with the same manufacturer and model number.
ManufacturerEnter the manufacturer of this Mobile Vision device. This is not a required field.
Model NumberEnter the model number of this Mobile Vision device. This is not a required field.
STORIS Software VersionThe version of the STORIS Pocket Salesperson Software running on the Mobile Vision device (based on the last registration request) appears. The system reads this number in during initialization of the device. You cannot edit this field.
To operate a Mobile Vision device with STORIS, the device must have a status of 0 (that is, Zero - Available) at the Status prompt.
The grid displays data from the last five operations, for example the last five operators who used the device as well as the date and time of usage.