Establish Report Builder Security Groups

(File Security Group)


Use this routine to create groups of one or more source files whose data you want restricted in Report Builder reports. If an employee attempts to access a Report Builder report containing a source file to which he has been restricted, an error message appears and the system denies access.

STORIS restricts employee access to the source files listed in the file security groups in this routine. To grant an employee access to the source files listed in a file security group, edit the File Security Groups field on the Security tab of the employee's Staff file (that is, check the box next to the file security group name). The check overrides the restrictions imposed by the selected file security group.   

For example, to restrict all employees except yourself from accessing the ORDER.ITEM file:

  1. Create a field security group using this routine

  2. Assign the ORDER.ITEM file to the group via the File Name field

At this point, all employees' are restricted from the ORDER.ITEM (unless they have been granted access via another file security group such as the Standard Files group).

  1. Go to the File Security Group field in your User file record , locate the file security group you just created, and place a check in the box next to the field.

The check overrides your file restriction to the selected file security group only.

The Standard File (STD)

STORIS comes delivered with one file security group called Standard Files. This group contains all the source files available to the Report Builder. Initially, the presence of this file causes all users to be restricted from all Report Builder reports. To override these restrictions, you must edit the User file record of any employees you want to access Report Builder reports. If you grant an employee access to the Standard Files group, the employee has unlimited access to all Report Builder reports. Or, you can grant an employee access to one of the field security groups you created. In any case, to run a Report Builder report, a check must appear in at least one box at the File Security Groups window at the File Security Groups field in the employee's User file. Otherwise, the system restricts the employee from accessing the Run a Report routine.

If you click on the Actions button at the bottom of the File Security Group routine, a menu appears from which you can choose Clone This Group to a New Name. STORIS suggests you use this utility when first setting up Report Builder Security to clone the Standard Files group (you cannot edit the Standard Files group).

File Security Group ID

File Group Description  

File Name
