Use this screen via the Tracked Warehouse Location Verification Settings routine during the initial entry of a warehouse’s storage locations.
To automatically create locations that match the mask defined in the Warehouse Location Mask Settings, click on the Action button and select Build Storage Locations option. When you click on Build Storage Locations, the Select Storage Locations screen displays.
The system prompts for the range of each element (Aisle, Rack, Bin, etc.) to build. Accept the default values at the From and To fields or enter the range you want to use to automatically create the storage locations. When finished, the program creates the storage locations and displays them in the grid.
If you use the picking floats feature,
the system checks for existing floats that match locations you are attempting
to build. If matches are found, warning messages display. You cannot build
a storage location using the same ID as an existing Float
Use the Select Storage Locations option to modify the status of storage locations, and to remove unused locations.
When you select this option, the following prompt appears:
Select all storage locations? Choose No to pick ranges.
To select all storage locations for this warehouse, answer Yes. To choose the range for each element and display only the locations in the selected range, answer No.
Once you make your selection of all locations or a designated range of locations, the program lists the locations and displays the status of each location. Select a location from the list to modify the Status (Vacant, Staging, or Active). You can delete unused locations from the list by selecting the location, and then selecting the Remove option.