Actions button on the General tab of the Create a User routine.
Use screen to specify your preferences for RF Bar Code processing. This screen is available only if you have purchased and activated either the Radio Frequency (RF) Bar Code module or the Pocket SP Palm Pilot interface.
User IDThe user ID specified in
the User file appears.
Specify the bar code user type you want to assign to this user. You have the following options:
None - do not allow this user to process inventory transactions on bar code scanners.
Radio Frequency - allow this user to access the menus necessary to process inventory transactions on bar code scanners.
Store - allow this user to perform "store" physical inventory counts at non-locator tracked locations using RF bar code scanners.
The RF log-in process references this field when determining which RF menu to display (that is, RF or Store Inventory).
Pick Customer PickupsIf using
RF Barcode, select this option to allow the user to process the picking
of inventory pieces for customer pickup sales orders.
Pick TransfersIf using
RF Barcode, select this option to allow the user to process the picking
of inventory pieces for merchandise transfers.
Pick Store DeliveriesIf using
RF Barcode, select this option to allow the user to process the picking
of inventory pieces for regular delivery sales orders.
AWM Schedule OnlyUse this
field to indicate whether the user specified at the Employee ID field
should be restricted to scheduled functions only. If you check this box,
the system prevents this staff member from performing Radio Frequency
(RF) functions outside the Advanced Warehouse Management (AWM) schedule.
For example, you could use this function when creating a schedule for
a new hire. To use this function, Advanced Warehouse Management
(AWM) must be activated in the General
System Control Settings record.
Default Schedule Extension ___ Hours
If you have RF Users who work past midnight, you can use this setting to set a default for the specified user in the Create an AWM Schedule process. Enter a whole number from 0-23.
Use this optional field to associate this user with an existing “default” AWM template. If you click the Search button, you access the Read-Only Lookup Window, where you can choose a default template from the list of Default Schedule Names. If you indicate a schedule name whose warehouse/store location does not match the user's warehouse/store location, a message displays and your entry is rejected.
StartingA range
of picking locations may be set by entering a starting location in this
field and an ending location in the Ending Picking Location field. The
RF Picking process will use these settings when selecting locations to
pick from and will not allow a user to pick outside of this range. The
locations entered must be valid storage locations and must be a valid
range. If the user should only pick from one aisle, the same location
can be entered in both fields and no other locations will be available
to that user.
EndingA range of picking locations
may be set by entering a Starting Picking Location in the previous field
and an ending location in this field. The RF Picking process will use
these settings when selecting locations to pick from and will not allow
a user to pick outside of this range. The locations entered must be valid
storage locations and must be a valid range. If the user should only pick
from one aisle, the same location can be entered in both fields and no
other locations will be available to that user.