Picking By Zone Assignment Window
Use this window to assign picking-zone priorities for the order types specified below. The system applies the priorities you assign here to the storage locations that have been set up as picking zones. The picking zone feature allows you, for locations that are location-tracked and verified, to specify the storage locations you want your pickers to pick from first, second, and third.
You can assign storage locations a picking zone of 1, 2, or 3. On this screen, you tell the system the sequence in which to pick from the storage zones. For example, if you enter 321 at the Delivery field, you tell system search for products in zone 3 first, zone 2 second, and zone 1 third.
Warehouse Code
Zone Sequences
DeliveriesFor delivery-type orders, enter the sequence of picking zones (if any) you want the system to search when searching for product at the specified location.
TransfersFor transfers, enter the sequence of picking zones (if any) you want the system to search when searching for product at the specified location.
Customer Pick-UpsFor customer pick-up orders, enter the sequence of picking zones (if any) you want the system to search when searching for product at the specified location.
TakensFor take-with orders, enter the sequence of picking zones (if any) you want the system to search when searching for product at the specified location.