Use this screen to determine which comment file(s) are converted. The process can be scheduled to run at user defined time intervals each day and/or evening.
Important In order to use this feature, you must contact STORIS Product Services for more information and to coordinate comment file conversions.
When you are scheduling the Convert Comment Files process via Schedule a Process, click the Actions button and select Enter Process Preferences to access this screen. A grid displays with the following columns:
Select Column β Check one or more boxes to select the file(s) to be converted during this scheduled phantom.
File Name β This column displays the name of the comment file.
Runtime (minutes) β If you have selected a file to be converted, entry in this column is mandatory. Enter the maximum number of minutes this phantom runs the conversion for the indicated file before moving on to the next file, or suspending the process if itβs the last file. You must enter a number greater than zero.
The Total Runtime is displayed at the bottom of the screen and indicates the total number of minutes the phantom is scheduled to run.