Update MMP
Use this routine to enter adjustments to the principal, finance charge, finance charge fee, insurance, and/or late fee amounts on a revolving payment due. Positive adjustments result in the reduction of the long term balance and increase of the short term balance. Negative adjustments result in the increase of the long term balance and reduction of the short term balance.
CustomerThe customer code, name, and address display.
PlanThe code of the revolving plan being adjusted displays from the previous screen.
ActivatedThe date the plan was activated for this customer displays.
BalanceThe customer's plan balance displays.
Current Due $The amount currently due from the customer for this plan displays.
MMP Details
ReferenceIndicate the reference number of the transaction you are adjusting. The reference you specify must exist on the system and must be a revolving transaction for the selected plan. To locate a transaction, click the Search button and access View a Customer's Current Balance Details. Once a reference has been indicated, the grid displays the activity details.
Due OnThe due date for the payment being adjusted is displayed. You can click the calendar icon and select another due date for this payment.
ReasonUse this mandatory field to indicate the reason for the adjustment. Click the Arrow button and select the reason from the drop-down list. Only reason codes with the Reason Usage Code field set to Revolving Adjustments appear in the list.
Principal $If you are adjusting the principal amount for the selected payment, enter the adjustment amount here. This amount cannot exceed the balance due for the selected transaction.
Finance Charge $If you are adjusting the finance charge amount for the selected payment, enter the adjustment amount here. This amount cannot exceed the balance due for the selected transaction.
Finance Charge Fee $If the customer's state is set up to assess a finance charge fee via the Revolving tab of Sales Tax Settings, this field becomes active when a payment reference has been selected for adjustment. To adjust the finance charge fee for the MMP, enter the amount of the adjustment here. The amount you enter cannot exceed the balance due.
Insurance $If you are adjusting the insurance charge for the selected payment, enter the adjustment amount here. This amount cannot exceed the balance due for the selected transaction.
Late Fees $If you are adjusting the late fee amount for the selected payment, enter the adjustment amount here. This amount cannot exceed the balance due for the selected transaction.