Payment Agreement Entry
Use this routine to maintain and view Payment Agreement information for the customer. You can access this screen from revolving entry routines and also from revolving inquiry screens. When you access the screen in entry mode, you can enter payment agreement information for new plans or for plans that do not yet have payment agreements; for existing plans with payment agreements, you can edit the payment agreement source and ID. In inquiry mode, you can view a read-only version of this screen.
SourceIn entry mode, you can enter or change the source code associated with the organization providing customer payment data. You can click the Search button to access the read-only lookup window. If you accessed this screen from a revolving view routine, you cannot edit this field.
IDIn entry mode, you can enter or edit the identification number for the customer, as provided by the payment agreement source. This is a free text field that permits you to enter up to 15 characters. For example, you can enter the customer's employee number if the payment agreement source is the customer's employer. If you accessed this screen from a revolving view routine, you cannot edit this field.
# Payments Per MonthThe number of payments per month as defined in the Payment Agreement Source Settings display when the Source is specified. You cannot edit this field using this routine.