Use this program to print statements for orders placed on layaway . Layaway statements print information for each customer relating to layaway orders that have a balance due. Information displayed on the statement includes
sales order number,
customer information,
sale date,
“deliver by” date,
original purchase amount,
layaway payments (deposits) received,
net balance due,
layaway payment due,
payment due date.
Depending on the setting in the Corporate Access Log-on field in the Account Statement Cycling Control Settings (A/R Statement Cycle ACF ), and the locations listed in the Create a User (Staff) file, restrictions may apply as to which stores are available to the user when running these statements. If a value exists in the Corporate Access Log-on field in the A/R Statement Cycling Control Settings, users with this location listed at the Valid Log-on Locations field in their Staff file have unlimited access to information pertaining to all stores and warehouses. Users who do not have this location listed in the Create a User file can print statements only for the store to which they log on. If this A/R Statement Cycling Control Settings field is null, this level of security is not active. See the Help topic on the Account Statement Cycling Control Settings (A/R Statement Cycle ACF) for more detail.
Number of Days Until Money is Due
Number of Days Until Cancellation
The following fields give you the flexibility to process some or all of the layaway statements at one time. To print all layaway statements at the same time, enter 1 in Written Start Day and enter 31 in Written End Day. To print layaway statements for a specific day or date range, enter the appropriate day or days. Example, if the Written Start Day is 15 and the Written End Day is 15, the process prints all layaways written on the 15th of any given month. If you enter 1 and 15, the process prints all layaways written on the 1st through the 15th.