Enter/Update Individual Vendor Invoice > Action button at Freight, Sales Tax, and Miscellaneous field
Enter/Update Individual Vendor Invoice > Actions button on General tab > Maintain Header Charges
Use this routine to enter and maintain multiple invoice charges on an AP bill.
The entry of multiple invoice charges on an AP bill is not available if Third Party Accounting is active on your system.
Freight, Sales Tax, Miscellaneous
The Freight, Sales Tax, and Miscellaneous fields display the current totals for each charge type.
This field displays the current grand total of all invoice charges on this AP bill.
Use this field to indicate the type of charge you are entering or maintaining. Once specified, the type in this field determines the options available to you at the Charge field (below).
When you click the Arrow button the following options are listed:
None Selected
Sales Tax
If you accessed this screen via the Action button at the Freight, Sales Tax, or Miscellaneous field on the Enter/Update Individual Vendor Invoice screen, the Type defaults to the appropriate option.
If you accessed this screen via the Actions option Maintain Header Charges, the Type defaults to None Selected and you can use the drop-down to select the type.
When you select an item from the grid to maintain an existing charge, the Type fills in and is not available for change.
Use this field to indicate the charge code you are entering or maintaining for this AP bill.
When you click the Arrow button, the invoice charge codes established for the specified Type are listed, along with the None Selected option. If the Type was not specified, this list includes all standard and user-created charge codes.
Once the charge has been indicated, the description displays to the right of the field label.
When you select an item from the grid to maintain an existing charge, this field fills in and is not available for change.
Use this field to specify the dollar amount of the charge. You must enter an amount greater than zero. Click the Add button to update the grid.
The grid displays all invoice charges added to the AP bill, sorted by charge type and description. To edit a line in the grid, double-click the line.
Type - the description of the invoice charge type (Freight, Miscellaneous, or Sales Tax)
Invoice Charge - the invoice charge code
Amount - the dollar amount of the invoice charge
Description - the description of the invoice charge code