Cost Exception Adjustments
After you specify an exception number in the Correct a Cost Exception
routine, the Cost Exception Adjustments screen displays. Use this screen
to enter cost exception adjustments
for selected cost layers.
Transaction DateToday's
date appears. You can edit this field. If you click on the Calendar
Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
a comment using up to 35 alphanumeric
characters to explain the reason for the adjustment.
MaterialThe current
cost for this layer displays. You can enter a new cost for this layer.
Adjusting the cost of a layer also recalculates the average cost.
QuantityThe quantity
of this product in the selected layer displays.
COMThis field
is active only for special order products. Enter the cost of the COM
component applied to this item.
Total MaterialThe total
material costs display.
FreightThis field
is active only if Landed Freight is active and the Landed Cost Distribution
field in the Costing
Control Settings is set to Allocate Upon Receipt.
Total LandedThe total
landed costs display.
The labels (if any) for the following four add-on
fields are established in the Costing
Control Settings. These fields are active only if the cost is active
and the Landed Cost Allocation field on the Costing Control Settings is
set to Allocate Upon Receipt.
Add-On 1Enter
add-on cost 1.
Add-On 2Enter
add-on cost 2.
Add-On 3Enter
add-on cost 3.
Add-On 4Enter
add-on cost 4.