When the Payment Type field has been entered in Maintain Financed Balances, the Batch Selection Screen displays a list of batches for this payment type.
From the Batch Selection screen, some, All, or None of the batches can be selected.
Once batch selection is made and OK is chosen, the program lists transactions for the selected batches in the grid.
From the Actions menu on this
screen, select Add Transaction to Batch
to access the FR
Manual Post Add New Transaction screen, which is similar to the FR Manual Post - New Batch Screen.
Double-click a line item in the grid to select a transaction. The FR Manual Adjustments Detail Screen displays.
If there are no open batches for this Payment Type and filter selection, the program warns No Batches Selected OK and then prompts Add to the next available batch?
If Yes is selected, the program displays a message similar to the following: Adding to Batch for MM/DD/YY, where MM/DD/YY represents the date selected for this adjustment.
If adding to the next batch, the Finance Receivable Manual Post - New Batch screen displays.
A Reference number is automatically assigned to this transaction.
The Location field can be modified to reflect the location for this adjustment.
The Transaction Date and Transaction Type automatically fill in.
The Memo Reference defaults to MAN ADJ, but this may be modified.
In the Customer field, enter the customer code for whom this adjustment is being posted.
In the Amount field, enter the dollar amount of the adjustment.
In the Account # field, enter the finance account number assigned to this customer by the financing company.
In the Authorization Number field, enter the authorization code supplied by the financing company when this transaction was approved.