The Create a Mailing List routine is a quick and easy way to generate customer lists containing names, addresses, and/or email addresses. You can export the list to an Excel® file or an ASCII file, and then use your preferred program to format and print the actual labels. Note that you can also use the Report Builder to create customer lists.
In the Create a Mailing List routine, you can use the Criteria Name field to choose one or more selection criteria for each list, including the following:
Status Code (defined in the Update Customer Mailing Data routine)
Source Code (defined in the Update Customer Mailing Data routine)
Demographics (3 user-defined options)
Last Purchase Date
Last Mail Date
Number of Mailings
Last Mail Name
Selling Store
Zip Code
Mailing List Name
Product not Purchased
Selling Price
Marketing Code 1
Marketing Code 2
Then you apply various restriction criteria to refine your list, including the following:
Equal-To – in the figure below, the program returns all customers who answered “B” to the “Emails &/or text?” demographic question.
Start and Ending Ranges – you can specify date ranges for date-oriented criteria such as Purchase Date.
Warranty linkage – Return customer who purchased products with or without a purchased warranty.
Email Only – return only customers with email addresses in the Customer file.
List Information field - Option to print street address, email address, or both.
Name of Last Mailing – You can name your lists for easy identification in the future.