Load a Truck
(Truck Load)
You can use this process only if the Assign Specific
Pieces At field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings is set to "Truck Load Process"
and you do not have the Routing/Mapping Interface active on your system.
This process works with an existing delivery manifest and is responsible
for the actual piece assignment.
WarehouseDepending on user and login
settings, a location can default. You must indicate the location from
which merchandise is being loaded. You can click the arrow button to select
a location from the list.
Delivery DateEntry
in this field is mandatory. Indicate the date of the manifest for which
merchandise is being loaded. You can click the calendar
icon to select a date.
the route for the manifest. After you indicate the route, the documents
(orders) on the manifest list in the grid. The manifest must be a Delivery-type
or Transfer-type manifest (that is, not a Service-type). The following
counters display on the screen and are updated with each document processed:
Stops Total, Stops
To Load, Pieces Total,
and Pieces To Load. Non-Inventory
(Intangible) pieces are excluded from these counts.
Truck Storage LocationUse this
field to indicate the storage location assigned to the truck being loaded.
The field is only accessible if Location Tracking is active at the location
specified and is not required for Invisible Location Tracking.
Loading Storage LocationUse this
field to indicate the storage location from which the merchandise is being
loaded. The field is only accessible if Location Tracking is active at
the location specified and is not required for Invisible Location Tracking.
DocumentYou can
scan the document number from the shipping ticket, enter it manually,
or select it from the grid. Following selection of the Document, the (truck
load) Stop
Detail window displays, where you can indicate whether or not the
pieces have been loaded.