Multiple Trip IDs Selection


This window appears at fields that allow your response to include multiple items. You can enter trip IDs directly into the field. Each Trip ID can be up to 20 characters. The items you specify appear in the grid at the bottom of the window.

To enter items directly, when you have finished typing the name into the field press <Enter> or click the Add button. The item appears in the grid. If you enter the item incorrectly, an error message appears. Re-enter the item.

Items in the Grid

You can remove items in the grid. To remove all of the items in the grid, click on Delete at the bottom of the window. To remove a single item, double-click on it to select the item and activate the buttons to the right of the entry field. Then, click on Remove to remove the selected item from the grid.

You can use the up and down arrows to navigate the list in the grid. If more records exist than can fit in the grid, you can use the scroll bar on the right side of the grid to view additional records. When you locate the desired record, highlight it and press Enter. You can also double-click on the record to select it.

When the grid contains all of the items you want, click the Save button. The systems returns to the previous screen. The current field displays "..." to indicate multiple items. To exit the Multiple Selection Window without specifying any trip IDs, click on Exit. You return to the previous screen.