Enter a Volume Rebate
(Volume Rebate Posting Entry)
Use this routine to post eligible volume rebate amounts to vendor receivables. The routine creates a vendor receivable transaction and posts the amount toward the goal amount set in the rebate plan.
DateEnter the date of the volume rebate. Today's date defaults. If you click on the Calendar Icon, a calendar appears from which you can choose a date.
Based On
Plan CodeEnter the code of a VR Rebate Plan. If you click the Search button, a list of plans appears from which you can choose. Once you specify a plan code, orders for products for which eligible rebate amounts have been calculated list in the grid.
VendorOnce you specify a plan code, the code and name of the vendor offering the rebate plan selected displays.
Goal Type
GoalOnce you specify a plan code, the goal amount displays from the Vendor Rebate Settings (VR Rebate Plans).
Plan Type
AmountOnce you specify a plan code, the plan amount displays. The plan amount is the percentage rate or dollar per unit amount used to calculate the rebate earned, based on the Plan Type and Plan Amount in the Vendor Rebate Settings (VR Rebate Plans).
DatesOnce you specify a plan code, the starting date and ending date from the Vendor Rebate Settings (VR Rebate Plans) displays for the selected rebate plan.
DocumentEnter the document number of the rebate you want to post, or double-click a line item in the grid to select it.
ProductOnce you specify a document, the product code from the selected line item displays.
Due DateOnce you specify a document, this field activates. If you click the Action button, the due date of the rebate based on the VR Terms Code in the Vendor record appears. If you click on the Calendar Icon, a calendar appears from which you can choose a date.
Following entry of the Due Date, click the Add button to update the entry in the grid. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to create the vendor receivable transaction.