Printing Help Topics

While using STORIS Help, you can print Help topics and information directly from the browser window.

To print the current Help topic using the right-click menu:

  1. Right-click anywhere inside the open topic in the right pane and select Print. The Print dialog opens. Select the printer and printing options, if applicable.

  2. In the Print dialog window, click Print. The topic is printed to the specified printer.

You can print selected text in a topic by highlighting the text and then using the right-click menu as described above.

To print expanding text and drop-down text (for example, prompt documentation or these FAQ answers), you must "expand" the text first. Click the hotspots (or field names) to expand the text before printing.

To print the current Help topic or a group of topics using the Print button (if available):

The Print Topics window shown here is available only when you have the Contents tab of the Help window open. Otherwise, when you click the Print button, the Print dialog window opens and you can print the current topic.   

  1. Click on the Print icon  from the tool bar in the Help window. The Print Topics window opens.

  1. Option 1: To print only the current topic (topic that is open in the right pane), use the Print the selected topic option. Click OK and select the printer and printing options from the Print dialog window.

  2. Option 2: To print a group of topics that are all under the same "book" (heading), use the Print the selected heading and all subtopics option. In the left pane on the Contents tab , highlight the "book" (section heading) whose subtopics you want to print, and then click OK in the Print Topics window. Select the printer and printing options from the Print dialog window. All topics under the selected "book" (heading) print.

For example, the Print System Settings “book” is selected in the left pane (shown below). When the "Print the selected heading and all subtopics" option is selected, all topics listed under Print System Settings (Assign Print Forms, Change Printer Form Settings, etc.) are printed.