D-Tools System Control Settings
(D-Tools Import System Control Settings)
Use this routine to configure the settings required
to import D-Tools® project data into STORIS.
To import D-Tools
line-item product data, STORIS needs to know how STORIS product fields
match up with D-Tools column names and positions in the exported data
file. This screen has the fields you need to supply STORIS with the appropriate
column-mapping information.
This process is available if the module is licensed, regardless of whether
or not the module is active. You can check the licensing status of this
module via the Licensing tab of the General
System Control Settings. If this module is not licensed, please call
STORIS to purchase.
Some system control settings are personnel only.
Import PathEnter the default path where
the CSV-formatted D-Tools file resides. Initially, STORIS provides the
default path that D-Tools uses when it exports data. You can edit this
If the path does not include a filename, the import process automatically
brings up the file browser where you can select one from the indicated
path. If the entire path is empty, the file browser defaults to the root
directory of the log-in PC. If you expect the filename to remain
the same for each exported project, you can include the actual filename
in the path.
Column Names IncludedIf the
first line of the export data file consists of column names (that is,
the first line of actual data starts on the second line), check the box.
If you leave the box blank, the system considers the first line of data
to be valid line-item data for import. If you are exporting
a D-Tools file, the first line MUST consist of column names.
Last Line Total IncludedIf the
last line of the exported data is a totals line, check the box. Otherwise,
leave the box blank. If you check the box, the system does not import
the last line of data.
Field Name The contents of the STORIS
Field Name field for the selected item appears here when you double-click
on an item in the grid. You cannot edit this field.
D-Tools Column Name
Default ValueUse this
field to specify a default value for the associated STORIS field when
no D-Tools data is available or cannot be mapped directly. For example,
if the default vendor number is not available from D-Tools, the number
you specify here can be used wherever necessary (for example, in line-item
entry or new product creation).
Required FieldIf the
current data field is required, a check appears in the box (and a 1 appears
in the grid). Otherwise, the box is empty (and a 0 appears in the
grid). You cannot edit this field.