Many of the inquiries and reports within STORIS contain a column titled "Net PO". Net PO calculates as the following:
(quantity on purchase orders, returns, and transfers in) - (quantity on sales orders but not yet reserved to the sales orders* + transfers out not yet reserved) - (layaways**)
*The unreserved quantity of a product consists
of the
(quantity from non-layaway sales orders that are
not fully reserved, including CWC's and ASAP's) - (open customer returns
that are not flagged as-is)
** The system includes layaways in the equation depending on your
setting at the Layaway in Net Purchase
Order field in the Inventory
Control Settings. If you set this field to
- active, the system takes the quantity on purchase
order and subtracts the uncommitted quantity and
the quantity on layaway
sales orders to determine the "Net PO" quantity.
- inactive, the system takes the quantity on purchase
order and subtracts only the uncommitted quantity to determine the "Net
PO" quantity.
If the Include in Supply Calculation field in the PO's assigned PO type is checked, the purchase order is included in supply calculations and affects the calculation of Net PO. If the type indicates that the purchase order should not be included in supply calculations, open orders do not affect the Net PO calculation.