Purge General Ledger Data


Use this routine to purge all GL-related files for a specified range of fiscal years. This process references the Maintain History Years field in the General Ledger Control Settings to determine the period for which to purge data. If multi-company processing is active, this process purges files for all companies.

For example, if your current fiscal year is 2008, your start year of data processing is 2001, and "3" appears at the Maintain History Years field in the General Ledger Control Settings, then "2001" would appear in the Start Year field, and "2004" would appear in the End Year field. The result of the above example is that the system retains general ledger data for the period specified in the Maintain History Years field (3 years, or 2005, 2006, and 2007), and purges all data from preceding fiscal years. The fields below are display-only.

Start Year

End Year

 The Start Year must precede the End Year, otherwise you cannot access this routine. That is, if the Maintain History Years field contains a number that causes the Start Year to exceed the End Year, then no data would be purged by this routine and this field is inactive.