Credit Bureau Settings


Tabs:  General, Connection, Misc.

Use this routine to maintain settings for your credit bureaus for use in the Credit Application process. You cannot add or delete credit bureau records, but you can edit them. At this time, STORIS supports the following credit bureaus:

InterConnect is not actually a credit bureau. STORIS interfaces to the InterConnect software, which accesses Equifax credit reports and returns additional information regarding scoring and decisioning.

A STORIS web service allows InterConnect to initiate a call to the STORIS system in order to provide a final decision on a pending credit review item. Items remain pending and can be viewed in Review Pending Credit Requests.

Bureau Code



Address 1, 2, and 3



Bureau URL/IP Address

Member Number

Identification Number

Program Identifier

SSL LoginPassword

SSL Certificate Path

SSL Server Name


Store Identifier

Online Identifier


Advanced Credit Scoring

Error Logging

Schema Version