Service Details Screen
Use this screen to link the product to a service line and indicate additional service details, such as warranty information. This screen appears after you enter the service part, labor, or charges code and click on the Add button on the Parts, Labor, or Charges tabs of the Enter a Service Order routine. You can also access this screen via the Actions button on the above tabs.
Service Reference NumberThis is the service Merchandise or Non-Merchandise service line to which this product will be linked. To select a different service line, double-click the line in the grid.
ProblemThis field will be defaulted from the Merchandise or Non-Merchandise tab.
Service TechnicianThe technician assigned on the Merchandise or Non-Merchandise tab will display here.
ExpirationThe expiration date for the warranty will display.
Responsibility TypeIf a Warranty was selected, this field displays either F for Factory Warranty, or X for Extended Warranty and the field is not available for change. If no warranty was selected, this field is used to indicate who is responsible for the cost of the service part, labor, or charge. Valid options are C (Customer) or O (Other). If Customer is selected, the customer is responsible for the cost of the service part, labor, or service charge. If Other (vendor) is selected, the Responsible Vendor field needs to be entered.
Responsible VendorEnter the vendor responsible for this service part. To use the Vendor Cross Reference, click the Search button. Note that if you select Other at the Responsibility Type, entry in this field is required.
Reimbursement Method