Search for Existing Customer


After clicking the Continue button on the Retailer Disclosure screen, consumers use this screen to enter either their social security number or driver's license number to either search for an existing customer record or create a new one. For existing customers, the other fields can be skipped and the customer number entered, if known. Otherwise, the first and last name, and zip code must be entered. If this is a new customer, the name and zip code, as well as the first line of the address must be entered. When the existing customer is found, a message welcomes the customer by name and indicates that the information has been found. If this is a new customer, a message displays that a new customer is being created. If a finance application already exists for this customer, a message appears stating that the application already exists and directing the customer to seek assistance from the sales associate.


Social Security Number


Driver's License Number

First Name

Last Name

Address 1

Address 2

Zip Code

City, State

Date of Birth

Customer Number