Manually Assign an Order to a Truck
This program works with the Route Mapping Interface. Use this program to make last-minute changes to delivery truck assignments without having to perform the download process.
Ship LocationEnter the ship-from location. The location you enter must have a check at the Mapping Active field in the Location Settings. If you click on the Arrow, a list of available locations with Mapping active appears, from which you can choose.
Delivery DateEnter the delivery date. If you click on the Calendar icon, a calendar appears which you can use to select a date.
After you specify the above criteria, click on Save. The results of your search (if any) appear in the grid.
DocumentThis field activates when items appear in the grid. Enter the number of the document you want to view or edit. You can also double-click on an item in the grid to select it. Once you select a document, information on the document appears on the screen. If you click on the Actions button, you access the Transaction Inquiry option which you can use to access a view-only version of the selected document.
TruckThe truck number (if any) associated with the selected document appears. You can edit this number, or you can enter a truck number in the field.
Stop TimeThe stop time associated with the selected document appears. You can edit this field.