Transfers Eligible for Date Re-Scheduling
Use this routine to change the delivery date and/or route/truck for
a group of transfers. You can change their currently scheduled dates
and routes/trucks to the same (new) schedule date and route/truck. You
can indicate a new date, assign route/truck and then select the transfers
to re-schedule from a list of eligible transfers. When you save
your changes, the program re-schedules selected transfers to the new date
and/or route/truck.
Transfers that are in picking (final
pick list printed) or are on a manifest are not eligible for re-scheduling.
New DateEnter
the new schedule date. If you click on the Calendar
Icon, a calendar appears from which you can select a date. Once you
specify the new date, you can select the transfers from the grid that
you want to reschedule to this date. (See Grid Detail below) You
can assign just a new date or you can assign a new date and a new route.
Transfer FromThe originating
location code (and description) that you indicated on the Search for Schedules
tab of Logistical Scheduling
is displayed.
Assign RouteSpecify
the new route by clicking the Arrow button and selecting the route from
the drop-down list. You can assign just a new route or you can assign
a new date and a new route.
Assign TruckYou can
use this field to assign a new truck. This field is only active
if mapping is enabled for Transfers for the From Location via the Active
Types field on the Inventory & Logistics tab in Warehouse/Store
Location Settings.
Submit for Re-Pick