Home > Customer > Alternate Tax Interface > Update Alternate Tax Interface Data
Update Alternate Tax Interface Data
Use this routine with the Alternate Tax Interface to update data in STORIS based on data returned by the sales tax calculation provider (Vertex/CCH). This routine can be run during Generate Daily Reports processing or run on demand from the menu. The Interface Data Refresh Days field in the Alternate Tax Interface Control Settings, along with the current date and an internally stored "last refresh date", are used to determine how often this routine is run if you are running it during Generate Daily Reports processing.
Vertex Processing
Tax ID's Current As OfThe current As Of date displays. The As Of date determines if the alternate tax ID has expired and thus needs to be re-verified.
Beginning of RangeIndicate the starting date for this date range. The default is 90 days prior to today.
End of RangeIndicate the ending date for this date range. The default is today's date.
CCH Processing
LocationIndicate one, multiple, or all locations to update tax jurisdictions and tax rates for the specified locations. Click the arrow to select a location from the list, or click the Action button to select multiple locations. When this routine is run during Generate Daily Reports processing, all locations are selected.
Once you make your selections, choose Run to proceed.