When displaying the recent credit history for a customer, STORIS uses the following codes, applying the status of the account at the time the last cycle process was run:
C - The account is/was current. (0-29 days balance paid)
0 - The account is/was current. (0-30 days w/ no balance)
1 - The account has/had a balance between 30 and 59 days old. (30-59 late)
2 - The account has/had a balance between 60 and 89 days old. (60-89 late)
3 - The account has/had a balance between 90 and 119 days old. (90-119 late)
4 - The account has/had a balance between 120 and 149 days old. (120-149 late)
5 - The account has/had a balance between 150 and 179 days old. (150-179 late)
6 - The account has/had a balance over 180 days old. (180 + late)