Once an open vendor receivables item has been selected from the grid on the Manual Adjustments tab of the Apply Payments and Maintain Vendor Receivables Balances routine , a separate vendor receivables entry window displays.
The Reference and Open Amount fields displays for the selected item.
The Due Date defaults, but can be changed.
Check the Dispute field to place the transaction in dispute status, or remove the check mark to take the item out of dispute.
Enter the Amount of the manual post. This can be a negative or positive number.
To convert the receivable item to a debit that will reduce the balance payable to the vendor, check the box at the Convert to Payable field.
The Memo field automatically fills in with RSVD/VCHR# if the Convert to Payable field is checked, or fills in with Adjustment if the convert option is not being used.
You can enter text in the Comment field to indicate the reason for the adjustment.