Getting Help
STORIS provides a context-sensitive Help file (.chm) you can access by clicking on the Help button in any STORIS screen or pressing the F1 key. Context-sensitive Help displays the Help topic associated with the current STORIS screen. From there, you can navigate to other Help topics, if desired.
STORIS also provides a Web Help version you can view via the STORIS web site. While the Web Help file content is the same as the .chm file, Web Help does not appear in a context-sensitive manner, and it can only be viewed (it cannot be downloaded).
Navigating the Help Window
Use the following navigational tools on STORIS Online Help screens to move around and display information. Click the "hot spots" below to read about each tool.
HyperlinksHyperlinks are clickable items such as text (typically underlined and displayed in a different color) that perform an action, such as displaying another topic or a Web page.
Related TopicsWhen you click a
button, a popup menu opens that displays a list of topics you can go to. These topics are relevant to what you are currently reading in the right pane. Click a topic in the popup menu to open it in the right pane.
Expanding textWhen you click an expanding hotspot, more information is displayed immediately to the right of the hotspot. You only need to click the hotspots you want to read. To hide the text, click the hotspot again.
PopupsWhen you click a popup link, either a small window with text "pops up" or a topic opens "on top" of the currently open topic. Popups enable you to read additional information without leaving the current topic. When you finish reading the information in the popup, you can click any links it contains to jump to other information or close it by clicking again.
Drop-down Hotspot
Using the Help Window
The STORIS Online Help system includes a left-hand pane and a right-hand pane. The left-hand pane is called the Navigational Pane. You use it to navigate to the topics you want to view. When you find your topic name and double-click on it, the topic appears in the right-hand frame.
The following four tabs appear above the Navigational Pane. Click on a tab to change the contents of the Navigational Pane.
ContentsThe Contents pane displays the table of contents - books and pages that represent the categories of information in the online Help system. When you click a closed book, it opens to display its content (sub-books and pages). When you click an open book, it closes. When you click pages, you select topics to view in the right-hand pane.
IndexThe Index pane displays a multi-level list of keywords and keyword phrases. These terms are associated with topics in the Help system and they are intended to direct you to specific topics according to your way of working. To open a topic in the right-hand pane associated with a keyword, click the keyword. If the keyword is used with more than one topic, a dialog opens so you can select a specific topic to view, then click Display.
SearchWhen you type a question in the Search pane, related topics are displayed on the right (this feature is called natural language search). You can type a question or simply type keywords.
GlossaryThe Glossary pane displays a glossary similar to one you may find in a printed publication. It provides a list of words and short phrases, and their definitions as relates to STORIS. When you select a term from the top pane ("Term"), its corresponding definition displays in the lower pane ("Definition For:").
Moving the Help Window
You can use familiar Windows® conventions to move and size your Help window. The system restores your changes each time you reload the Help file so that the window appears as it did when you last closed the Help file.