You can add special order products to transfers, create purchase orders for them, and if your settings allow, create special order products on-the-fly.
If your User/User Group settings (Create special order products within POS entry field) allow you to create special order products on-the-fly, the Special Order Entry screen displays when you click the Action button at the Product field on the Merchandise tab of Enter a Transfer.
Even if your User/User Group settings do not allow creation of special order products on-the-fly, you can add existing special order products to the transfer.
If the Automatic PO Creation field is active on the Special Order Control Settings, the system automatically creates a purchase order for each non-reserved special order item on a sales order. If the Automatic PO Creation field is not active, the system gives you the option to create a purchase order for each non-reserved special order item, or specify another product.
If, at a later date, you edit the Quantity To Transfer field for a special order item that is linked to a purchase order, the system updates the quantity on the purchase order.